One On One Credit Repair may deliver results to your credit report(s) within 30 days and your Score will automatically go up! If the same-named item removed off your credit report returns back onto your credit file, we will definitely give you a refund! Once the processing fee is received, the credit repair process starts immediately with the credit bureau/agency of your choice: “Experian, Equifax or Transunion.” Deletions can be received as soon as the next week upon signing up. When this happens, the company will then notify you with a credit bureau statement of proof directly from the agency of the items newly deleted. Transunion a bit longer.
My name is Aretha Hughes and I am the founder and CEO of BPP Services. Initially, I started as a Travel Agent and Tax Preparer. While working from home assisting many clients, the idea came up to convert everything into one Business name to offer professional services. The name BPP Services was created to offer professional services- Notary, Tax Preparation, and Travel Planning. I’d love the opportunity to show you how my professional services and attention to detail sets me apart. To find out how I can be of service to you, please contact me and I will gladly assist you.