Prepared for:



The following pages contain:

1. Credit Repair Service Agreement
2. Authorization for Credit Repair Action
3. Credit Monitoring
4. Timing
5. Guarantees
6. Reoccurring Payment Authorization, Payment Due Dates, and Payment Arrangement
7. Non-Payment
8.Consumer Credit File Rights (CROA Disclosure) and Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
9. Client Responsibilities and Acknowledgements
10. Right Of Cancellation Notice
11.State Specific Disclosures (add if applicable as a separate addendum)
Credit Repair Service Agreement for {CLIENT NAME}
I, {CLIENT NAME},(  Client also referred to as "You", "your", "his/hers", "he/she" "their") an individual who has voluntarily sought out {COMPANY NAME}, and desires to utilize Company's services, and who is willing to provide payment to Company, as set forth herein, in exchange for services rendered as outlined in this Agreement, hereby enter into the following agreement with {COMPANY NAME} (also referred to as "Company", "we", "us", "our")

{COMPANY NAME} hereby agrees to perform and responsible for the following:
  1. Requesting (from Client) credit reports and scores from all three (3)  credit bureaus to evaluate Client's current credit reports as listed with preferred (Privacy Guard)(IdentityIQ) credit reporting agencies and to identify inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information;
  2. To advise Client as to the necessary steps to be taken on the part of Client in conjunction with Our Company;
  3. To dispute any inaccurate, erroneous, false or obsolete information contained in the Client's credit reports, on Client's behalf and in Client's name;
  4. Contacting original creditor(s) and collection agencies to challenge and/or obtain verification/validation of alleged debt (if necessary);
  5. To prepare all necessary correspondence in dispute of inaccurate, erroneous, false, or obsolete information in Client's credit reports.
  6. To review credit profile status from the credit reporting agencies such as: Experian, Equifax, and Transunion.
  7. Provide unlimited Client support as needed which consist of but not limited to webinars, video conferencing, telephone, email, or by any other form of communication during normal business hours.
  8. To consent in doing business electronically.;
  9. Taking all preventative measures possible to ensure the safety and security of all sensitive data stored by Company.
Choice Of Law/ Arbitration/Attorneys Fees

This Agreement shall be construed according to the law of the State {COMPANY STATE}, and at a mutual venue. Any dispute arising between the Parties with respect to the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to arbitration. The Arbitrator's decision shall be final and legally binding upon the parties.

Each party shall be responsible for its share of the arbitration fees in accordance with the applicable Rules of Arbitration. In the event a party fails to proceed with arbitration, unsuccessfully challenges the arbitrator's award, or fails to comply with the arbitrator's award, the other party is entitled to costs of suit, including a reasonable attorney's fee for having to compel arbitration or defend or enforce the award.

Fee Box

In exchange, I, {CLIENT NAME}, agree to pay the following fees as outlined in the following fee schedule:

(Enter Your fees and services below and delete this line.)

  1. {startupcost}  At signup for document processing and acquisition.
  2. {monthlyfee} At the start of each new month of service.


Authorization for Credit Repair Action
1.  I, {CLIENT NAME}, known as "Client" hereby authorize, {COMPANY NAME}, to make, receive, sign, endorse, execute, acknowledge, deliver, and possess such applications, correspondence, contracts, or agreements, as necessary to improve my credit. Such instruments in writing of whatever and nature shall only be effective for any or all of the three credit reporting agencies which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax, and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as may be necessary or proper in the exercise of the rights and powers herein granted. 
2. This authorization may be revoked by the undersigned at any time by giving written notice to the party authorized herein. Any activity made prior to revocation in reliance upon this authorization shall not constitute a breach of rights of the client. If not earlier revoked, this authorization will automatically expire twelve(12) months from the date of signature.
3. The party named above to receive the information is not authorized to make any further release or disclosure of the information received. This authorization does not authorize the release or disclosure of any information except as provided herein.
4. I grant to {COMPANY NAME}, authority to do, take, and perform, all acts and things whatsoever requisite, proper, or necessary to be done, in the exercise of repairing my credit with the three credit reporting agencies, which are TransUnion, Experian, Equifax and any other reporting agencies or creditor’s listed, as fully for all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present
5. I hereby release {COMPANY NAME} ,  from all and all matters of actions, causes of actions, suits, proceedings, debts, dues, contracts, judgments, damages, claims, and demands whatsoever in law or equity, for or by reason of any matter, cause or thing whatsoever as based on the circumstances of this contract.
Credit Monitoring
Client must obtain and maintain an online tri-merged credit monitoring subscription from either Company's PREFERRED sites PrivacyGuard, or IdentityIQ. Also Client must provide Company with user name and password to retrieve Credit Reports and monitor profile.
Because Company is acting under Client's direction, Company cannot accurately predict how long the credit restoration process will take. With any and all legally recognized delays notwithstanding, Company will process its initial assessments and challenges within (Enter number of business days) business days of the date of initial enrollment completion. On average it generally can take 6-9 months to complete. However, the actual amount of time required to complete the process will depend greatly on how prompt the credit reporting agencies and other data furnishers are with responding to disputes, as well as how promptly Client forwards correspondence from the credit reporting agencies, collection agencies, and original creditors to Company as well as the number of items found in the report and/or in which can be properly and lawfully disputed. Therefore, Company estimates that realistically, it can take as little as ninety(90) days and up to one(1) year or more to complete the restoration process.
By law, No Credit Services Organization or person cannot guarantee any specific outcome for the use of its services, because each case has so many factors, making such a guarantee would be improper and misleading.

Reoccurring Payment Authorization, Payment Due Dates, and Payment Arrangements

I, the Client, authorize automatically drafted service fee charges to my checking account each month, subsequent to services rendered, and on the specific day chosen by Client at the time of enrollment (either what day of the month) of the month, unless otherwise approved).  Client will be charged the amount indicated herein this agreement each billing period. The charge will appear on Client's (If ACH say: bank statement as an "ACH Debit" If credit card say credit card statement as Merchant's Name). Payment arrangements must be made by {Enter time and standard time AT LEAST{enter number of days) days before Client's due date. Client agrees that no prior-notification will be provided unless the date or amount changes, in which case you will receive notice from us at least 10 days prior to the payment being collected. 
Accounts are automatically SUSPENDED for declined transactions, at which point Company will have no further obligations to Client under this Agreement. In the event that Client payment does decline, Client has (Enter number of days) days from the date payment was decline to make a payment. However, if payment not made after (Enter the day) day at  (Enter Time), additional (Enter late fee amount) is added to account each day for up to (Enter number of days) days. After (Enter number of days)  days and payment still not received accounts are automatically closed, and in order to receive services again (Enter amounts here ) have to be paid plus the initial enrollment fee.

Please make note Company may hire and/or sell Client's account to a collection agency (if need be) and this could reflect negatively on Client's credit report. Furthermore, if Client's account is terminated, then Client grants Company the right to retract any disputes submitted on Client's behalf so that any improvements made to Client's credit reports (during non-payment and/or canceling/termination of account) may be reversed.

Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law AND Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act
Company will send (CROA and FCRA) to Client via email. Client will respond to email acknowledging he/she has received (CROA and FCRA) and read it. 
Client Responsibilities AND Acknowledgments
  1. Client agrees and acknowledges that he/she is of legal age, at least 18 years old and is fully competent in making responsible decisions that may affect current and/or future credit and financial status;
  2. Client agrees and acknowledges the Authorization for Credit Repair Action" attached herein agreement to allow Company to communicate and negotiate with the credit reporting agencies, creditors, and/or other data furnishers on behalf of Client;
  3. Client agrees and acknowledges to obtain and maintain (as REQUIRED)
  4. Client agrees to assist Company in obtaining and/or subsequent credit reports, with scores, from all three(3) credit bureaus (Equifax a.k.a CSC, Experian, and Trans Union) upon request;
  5. The credit bureaus, creditors, and other furnishers, in which Company will be disputing with, will usually require proof of Client's identity. Therefore, and for this purpose only, Client agrees to provide Company with proof of his/her identity, including but not limited to, a legible copy of his/her valid State Identification Card(State I.D) or Driver's License(D.L), a legible copy of a utility bill in his/her name(for proof of address, if address not current on State ID. or D.L.) or any acceptable and approved alternative of these requested of these requested identity documents, in order that Company may provide this proof to the appropriate parties during the dispute process;
  6. Client agrees to forward all credit reports and any other relevant correspondence received from the credit bureaus, collection agencies, creditors, and/or furnishers within five(5) business days of receipt by Client to Company for review and processing and to avoid any costly delays in the restoration process;
  7. Client agrees to immediately notify Company if he/she does not receive any such correspondences within forty-five(45) days of sending dispute or challenge letters out;
  8. The credit reports will be some of the most important correspondences received from the credit bureaus. Subsequent to Company's dispute challenges, the bureaus SHOULD respond with new credit reports within about forty-five(45) days. These reports will be sent to Client's mailing address and should list which items were challenged as well as the results of the disputed items submitted on his/her behalf. Therefore Client will be the first to see any deletions or improvements to his/her reports (with the exception of Equifax, in some cases) after Company's challenges. That being said, Client agrees to review any and all new and old derogatory credit information in the reports, as received from the credit bureaus, and to immediately notify Company, within no more then five(5) business days of receipt, of any new or old items he/she identifies as inaccurate, misleading, or unverifiable;
  9. Client agrees to pay his/her monthly payment service fee on time, exactly as described and outlined in this Agreement, each subsequent month for services rendered to Client's account the previous month;
  10. Client agrees to maintain on-time monthly payments of their current credit obligations (i.e. car loan, utility bills, mortgage payments, credit cards, etc.) Failure to maintain those payments will result in severe damage to the progress and improvements made by "{COMPANY NAME}" and will forfeit this agreement.
  11. Client agrees that he/she WILL NOT apply for any type of credit(i.e., credit cards, home financing, automobile financing, personal loans, etc.) at any time during the credit restoration and improvement process unless specifically directed to do so by Company. 
  12. If Client was referred to Company by an affiliated Referal Partner(i.e. Loan Officer/Lender, Realtor/Real Estate Agent, Car Salesman, etc.) then Client hereby consents to data sharing of non-sensitive information concerning the progress of Client's credit restoration progress between Company and said affiliate Referral Partner. Client may revoke this consent at any time via email or mail. 
  13. Furthermore, Client agrees and acknowledges that he/she fully commits to Company and its services program. 
  14. Finally, Client agrees and acknowledges everything within this whole agreement. 
Notice of Right to Cancel
''You may cancel this contract, without any penalty or obligation, at any time before (Enter Time) of the (Enter Day) day which begins after the date the contract is signed by you.
''To cancel this contract, mail or email a signed, dated copy of this cancellation notice, or any other written notice to {COMPANY NAME}, (Enter email address) before (Enter Time)  on the (Enter Day) day which begins after the date you have signed this contract stating ''I hereby cancel this transaction, (date) (purchaser’s signature).’’
Please acknowledge your receipt of this notice by electronically signing the form indicated below.
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Notice
I, {CLIENT NAME},  hereby acknowledge with my digital signature, receipt of the Notice of Right to Cancel. I confirm the fact that I agree and understand what I am signing, and acknowledge that I have received a copy of my Consumer Credit File Rights and Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

*Digital Signatures: In 2000, the U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act established electronic records and signatures as legally binding, having the same legal effects as traditional paper documents and handwritten signatures. Read more at the FTC web site: http://www.ftc.gov/os/2001/06/esign7.htm